Give Me Your 6 Months & I Would Show & Coach You How I Make Full Time Income Trading Forex Market..... 100% Guaranteed!

If you’re watching this video right now, then chances are that you belong to one of these categories;

  • You are a Forex Trader, Stock or any form of Trading but no proven results to show for it
  • You’ve been looking for a way to get started trading the largest financial market in the world –which is Forex market
  • You’re sick and tired of your “dead-end” job and you’re looking for a way out.
  • You have no time for yourself, your family members and for life and you need a solution and you need it FAST…

Either case, get excited because in this video I’m going to show you how to make that shift in your life and start trading Forex market for Profit…

I mean daily profits like these…..

I'm about to reveal to you exact secret that the wealthiest people on the planet know and use every day to build their riches that over 97% of people have no clue about.

Who am I and why should you listen to everything I’ve got to tell you in this video…..

Date: July 27, 2024

Hi, my name is Emmanuel Adegbola, friends, Clients and my Students call me “Forex Apostle”…


Because I’m a minister of the gospel by calling and Forex Trader and Coach by Choice…

I have been trading Forex market since 2006, but, hey don’t get it twisted…. I didn’t start off as a Forex Expert or Celebrity… In fact, the first 6 months was a struggle, I almost lost my Pants simply because I was trying to make a living trading Forex. I was trying to use short-cut, less I forgot that there’s no short-cut through life. I paid the Price…. I lost over $30,000 within my first 6 months as a “Forex Trader WannaBe”

Well, I didn’t say that for you to feel sorry for me.. It’s just the price I had to pay in order for you not to pay the same.

I took a bold decision in January 2007, I hired a coach who gave me his full one week in his house, It wasn’t cheap at all, but it was a decision I had to take If I wanted to make a living outsmarting the Bulls and the Bears in the Forex jungle.

I quickly realized the nasty mistakes I was making and how to ethically and legally siphon money from the Forex Market. I also realized that if you are not part of the group that I call “Forex Illuminati” you will just be throwing away your hard earned cash always… Yes, because there’s a secret they know that over 97% of Forex Traders and Forex Trader WannaBe don’t know.

That’s why I’m so happy for you that you are watching this video right now at this hour of the day.

Today, I trade one to two hours daily and I make more money daily than what many people could dream of in a year.

I’m talking about income like this…

What I'm about to show you is a 1.9 quadrillion dollar annual market. Yes. Quadrillion. Not billion. Not trillion. 1.9 quadrillion dollars annually.

Listen, let me ask you a quick question;

What do you think the Banks use your money for?

Take a guess…..

That’s right!

They trade with your money.

Say for instance, you save $10,000 in your Savings Account…. For one year.

Your Bank would give you an interest may be around 5% on it for that one year….

5% of 10,000 is $500

That’s right. That is what you get for saving your $10,000 in your Bank account for a whole one year if you didn’t make any withdraw throughout the year.

So, what if you could learn how to do what the Bank do with your money, and still legally and ethically make more from the Banks.

If you want to be rich then you’ve got to be doing what the rich is doing.

Make sense … right?

May be you are watching this video right now and you’re thinking …Hmn.. what the heck is this Forex trading…

Okay, let me explain to you in this way…

If you live in USA, then you visit China and you want to buy some things there, you would need to exchange your USD for Japanese Yen.

Why? Because you can’t spend Dollars over there….

So, what you do as a Forex Trader is buying and selling currencies using your computer, tablet, or cell phone.. And It’s not a rocket science… If many of my Students who had never touched computers in their life can do it and making money from it, I bet you too can.

Imagine, working part-time from anywhere in the world, even on your kitchen table and making full time income.

You could trade anywhere in the world. For as long as there is internet connection there.

Why Must You Trade Forex Market Over any Other Form of Online Businesses or Trading?

  • A 24 Hour Market - The Forex market is the only market that operates on a continuous basis, because of the geographical dispersion between the various markets around the globe.
  • Commission Free - Forex trading does not involve commissions.
  • Recession Proof Market - Traders can make profitable trades on the Forex market regardless of whether there is a bull or a bear market trend. The market is bi-directional, and traders can buy and sell both.
  • High Leverage - Forex brokers may offer traders 1000 times leverage, or even more favorable credit terms, for every dollar invested.
  • Highest Market Trading Volume - The Forex market has the highest market trading volume out of all the markets. The daily volume can range from $4 trillion US dollars to $6 trillion US dollars. No other market can compete with this volume of trading.

Introducing Forex Millionaires Club A Six (6) Months Intensive Coaching & Mentoring Program in Forex Trading with the Forex Apostle and Become a Forex Trading Expert....

In This 6 months, You Would Discover How to Generate Wealth by Trading Forex, Bitcoin and Altcoins Using My Easy and Proven Trading Strategy.

This Coaching & Certification program will teach you how to trade Forex, Bitcoin , Stocks and other cryptocurrencies so you can profit from the fast-growing digital currency revolution! Over the past 5 years, the cryptocurrency market has grown into a multi-billion dollar industry, which has created many multi-millionaires along the way. And new opportunities are popping up every month. From ICO's (initial coin offerings) to blockchain products and services, new crypto investors, traders and entrepreneurs have the opportunity to participate in this exciting market.

Top venture capitalists and angel investors have recently invested over $1 billion into cryptocurrency startups. Everyone from startups in Silicon Valley to Wall Street is excited about cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology. Don't miss out on the cryptocurrency revolution that's going to offer unprecedented opportunities for investors, traders, developers, and entrepreneurs!

What You're Going to Learn in This Course

  • Goal-Setting, Goal-Getting and Right Mentality Training
  • Trading foundation of all the basics: exchanges, charts and trading tools
  • How to build a trading plan, including entries, position sizing, targets and an exit strategy
  • Conducting fundamental analysis to find innovative tech and the next hot market
  • Using technical analysis to quantify price and determine future probabilities
  • Understanding crypto market cycles and timing your execution of trades
  • How to manage risk to minimize losses and maximize gains
  • A variety of effective crypto trading strategies
  • How to start Forex trading from scratch!
  • How to download and set-up your free Forex Trading Software.
  • Learn the biggest mistakes of Forex traders and how to avoid the same mistakes yourself.
  • Learn what the professionals know about Forex correlation and how it can multiply your profits.
  • Learn Breakout Trading, Forex Correlation Trading, Risk Control and Live Trading.
  • How to create your own Forex Trading System and identify trends using indicators.
  • How to create candle stick charts & identify trends.
  • How to make a profit using scalping and position trading techniques.
  • How to evaluate currency pairs and monitor activity daily or weekly.
  • Discover how to duplicate successful trades shown in our live examples!
  • Learn top-down price analysis to see the market’s real trends.
  • Learn how to trade Forex using virtual money.
  • How to trade News the right way
  • How trading less than 30 minutes a day can build a serious second income for you.
  • Learn the exact Forex trading strategies and risk-management tool I developed and used daily.
  • Learn the secrets behind proven and ready to implement wealth creation strategies – and how to implement them immediately.
  • Learn much, much more too!

These are only a few of the topics that you are going to learn in this coaching and mentoring program, if I list all the details here this page would be longer than this.

WHO SHOULD Participate in THIS Program

  • Anyone who wants a piece of the biggest financial revolution of the century!
  • Both new & experienced traders who want to trade new, exciting markets.
  • Entrepreneurs interested in developing Dapps (Decentralized Applications).
  • Anyone serious about taking control of their financial future.

Why Am I Doing This?


First, Let's say I'm giving back to the Universe.

One of my goals for this year is to create 10,000 Forex Traders, and I am working towards that goal.

Second, I need some Partners and Case Studies.

My company is starting soon “Accounts Managements Program”, whereby we would be managing our Clients accounts, trade on their behalf and so on, I can only work with people that I personally coach and mentor to my trading style. I hope you would be one of these few privileged team members.

What Others Are Saying About My Coaching & Mentoring Program in Forex & Cryptos Trading

How the Training and Mentoring Program Will Be

This coaching and mentoring program is not like any of those stupid PLR videos or ebooks out there. This is a Web Class Setting where I take you by hands and show you where PIPs are on your Charts , in other words, it’s an Instructor-Led Coaching Program for this full 6 months. We would meet online every other day by 11:00AM Central time (or mutually agreed time).

Few months ago, some few selected group of VIP Clients paid me $10,000 each to go through my 3 months program, I recorded all the sessions. You will be getting lifetime access to  all the recordings and the best part of this is you won’t be paying the $10,000 they paid. And you would be getting all the recordings of the 6 months training sessions also

On top of this, you will be getting lifetime access to my mentoring program


What Happens If You Missed Any of The Training Sessions?

Every training session would be recorded and made available in our private members’ area where you can access them or download them.

Cost of Your Investment in Your Financial Life Today if You Chose to Join My 6 Months Intensive Coaching and Certification Program in Forex & Crypto-Currency Trading


Considering the numbers of hours I will be putting into this training and mentoring program and the worth of my time, I could easily charge $10,000 for this program, but I won’t do that because I know that you’re joining this program to change your financial life. Asking you to invest $5,000 into your future with this program would still worth it, but I won’t do that either….

I know that your heart is jumping hard right now thinking that this life-changing coaching and mentoring program would cost possibly the cost of a pair of your organ, well, I won’t do that for you.

If you want to have a successful trading career that will bring a smile to your face, and put money in your pocket, then my 'Forex and Crypto-currency Mastery Class' is definitely for YOU!  It is well known that after learning about Forex lots of people have quit their day job to concentrate on Forex trading.

For a very limited time and if you happen to be among the next ten (10) Candidates that takes up this program, you can join my next Forex and Crypto-currencies Certification Program for just one time investment for a token fee of . . . . .

Regular Fee $10,000 Promo Offer: $4,497

This fee is for only the next 10 Students, after that, the fee goes back to the regular $10,000.00


Go Ahead; Claim Your 80% Discount Right Now!

Note : You could easily make back your one time investment from just one trade, or maximum one week’s trade. (Read our Earning Disclaimer)

Take a look at the screen short below

That’s average of $267 income daily.

This is $985.51 a day income

$2,775.32 a Day income

$4,022.39 A Day Income Proof

This is Over $6,000 a day income proof

Imagine What Your Life Could Look Like If You Could Be Having Income Days Like These?

It doesn't matter if you've never had any past Forex trading experience or education, this certification coaching program will teach you everything you need to become expert in Forex & Crypto currencies Trading.

Discover the Secret of Making Boatloads of Money from the Comfort of Your Home or Anywhere in the World Trading Forex and Crypto currencies

Click the button below now to join the group of my next 10 Students and lock in your spot for just $4,497 instead of $10,000 which is the regular fee for this program...


Now, You Have 2 Choices...

You can either...

  • Decide to not join My Coaching , Certification & Mentoring Program in Forex and Crypto-Currencies Trading today and watch other people profit from this new Crypto economy while on the sidelines. And years from now you can kick yourself in the butt - regretting that you didn't give it a chance when you had a prime opportunity to get in, just like Facebook, Google, Amazon, and Netflix. Or... (I do not recommend this option for you)
  • Take the plunge, join the My “6 Months Coaching & Mentoring Program in Forex and Crypto-Currencies Trading” today, get your membership as our one of our students, and start making money by mastering the art and science of trading currencies... and gives yourself complete control over your financial future. Build up your income, build up your nest egg and open more doors for yourself going into the future. All while knowing you are completely backed by our 100 Percent satisfaction guarantee.

All Purchase Are Final!

Because members immediately benefit from the knowledge of the online courses, content and mentoring programs that they purchase, please note that we do not give refunds. Please realize that you are learning skills and bettering yourself just as people do when they go to college or trade schools. We ask for dedicated individuals who are truly ready to learn and grow. We are waiting to help you achieve your goals.


Fast Action Bonus Package

Bonus #1

Lifetime Access to Direct Mentoring from My Team and I

Value: Priceless

Bonus #2

Lifetime Access to Our Students Alone Private FB and WhatsApp Group

Value: Priceless

Bonus #3

50% Discount Access to All Crypto Forex Institute’s Products.

Value: Priceless

Bonus #4

Lifetime Access to Crypto Forex Trading Signal & Investment Alerts

Get email & Whatsapp alerts whenever I make a trade or decide on a longer-term investment. You'll get trade analysis in advance, so you're well prepared to take advantage of the big trades.

You'll get live updates to each alert when we enter, exit, or make a decision about a trade or investment.

Value: $97/month

Yours: Free

Bonus #5

Lifetime Access to Crypto Forex Trading Plan: How to start with little and Grow Your Account to $2 million Dollars within 2 years.

Value: $149

Yours: Free

Bonus #6

Instant access to digital version of my 2 latest books.

Value: $127 

Yours FREE

Total value of your Bonus Package if you join before midnight today is PRICESS!

SPECIAL Bonus for the 1st Seven (7) Sign-Ups



If you happen to be one of the 1st Seven People that sign up for this offer, you will be automatically upgraded to a Platinum membership level in Crypto Forex Institute (CFI) , when we go live, this will be $497/month subscription, but yours today is FREE for life.

Value: $497/month

Yours : FREE


Backdoor access to my trading vault valued at $4,997.00 If you had to buy each of them separately. This special bonus is only available for the first 7 people that complete their order before midnight today.

Value: $4,997

Yours if you are one of the 1st 7 signups before midnight today: FREE

As you could see, you have nothing to lose with this offer but a lot to gain. Go ahead, click the button below to join my coaching and mentoring program today.

I look forward to helping you to make a fortune with Crypto Currencies and Forex Trading.








Emmanuel Adegbola

A.K.A Forex Apostle

FAQ - Find Your Question here:

Q: When is this class starting?

A: It starts immediately and it would run for 6 months after then.

Q: What if I missed any of the session?

A: You would get access to the recorded version.

Q: Starting with this Coaching & Mentoring program, when am I going to finish or graduate?

A: You start in the date scheduled above and you graduate after 6 months. However, because Forex trading is a continuous learning process, you would be upgraded to a VIP level in Crypto Forex Institute membership program as read above….

Q: What if I don't have PayPal and i want to pay in either Cryptocurrency or Naira or through Bank deposit or Zelle App or Cash App?

A: Yes! You can make payment through any of the above medium, chat with me on Whatsapp(+1 214 440 6099) for details.


U.S. Government Required Disclaimer - Trading foreign exchange on margin carries a high level of risk, and may not be suitable for all investors. The high degree of leverage can work against you as well as for you. Before deciding to invest in foreign exchange you should carefully consider your investment objectives, level of experience, and risk appetite. The possibility exists that you could sustain a loss of some or all of your initial investment and therefore you should not invest money that you cannot afford to lose. You should be aware of all the risks associated with foreign exchange trading, and seek advice from an independent financial advisor if you have any doubts.

The purchase, sale or advice regarding a currency can only be performed by a licensed Broker/Dealer. Neither us, nor our affiliates or associates involved in the production and maintenance of these products or this site, is a registered Broker/Dealer or Investment Advisor in any State or Federally-sanctioned jurisdiction. All purchasers of products referenced at this site are encouraged to consult with a licensed representative of their choice regarding any particular trade or trading strategy. No representation is being made that any account will or is likely to achieve profits or losses similar to those discussed on this website. The past performance of any trading system or methodology is not necessarily indicative of future results.

Clearly understand this: Information contained in this product are not an invitation to trade any specific investments. Trading requires risking money in pursuit of future gain. That is your decision. Do not risk any money you cannot afford to lose. This document does not take into account your own individual financial and personal circumstances. It is intended for educational purposes only and NOT as individual investment advice. Do not act on this without advice from your investment professional, who will verify what is suitable for your particular needs & circumstances. Failure to seek detailed professional personally tailored advice prior to acting could lead to you acting contrary to your own best interests & could lead to losses of capital.